Hurricane Michael Forces Several Georgia High School Softball State Playoffs Games To Be Rescheduled

As Hurricane Michael made landfall on Wednesday, although the bulk of the storm hit and damaged the Florida Panhandle area the most, heavy rains from the storm made their way into Georgia and forced several Georgia High School Association state playoffs softball games to be postponed. Earlier in the week, GHSA had released a statement informing coaches that first round playoff games could be rescheduled if need be due to weather related to the storm, however, GHSA officials stated that all first round games should be completed by October 13, 2018 but could be extended into the week of October 15, 2018 if needed. First round and second round games will need to be completed by October 20, 2018. Volleyball coaches were informed that area tournament games affected by the storm could be rescheduled as well but must be completed no later than October 16, 2018.