Iowa High School Sports Returning To Full Activity This Month

On Monday, Iowa became the first state allowing high school sports to return to full activity since being halted back in March. Back on May 20, iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds had announced that she would allow high school sports to return to action beginning June 1 and school all across the state took advantage with some hosting practices at 12:01AM Monday morning. In an interview with ESPN, Iowa High School Girls Athletic Union Executive Director, Jean Berger said that they felt now would be a good time to start with baseball and softball due to the nature of social distancing in both sports. However, not all school districts in the state opted to bring sports activity back as they felt there was still a large level a safety concern for student athletes due to a rise in COVID-19 case the week of Gov. Reynolds announcement. While practices have begun on Monday, games will not resume until June 15 and there are safety guidelines that teams must adhere to.
- No use of dugouts during practices
- Sanitize equipment after usage
- Individuals will have temperatures checked before games and practices
- No spitting sunflower seed shells
- Pitchers must sanitize after each time they blow in their hands